
To access all layers, tap the layers icon located at the bottom-right of the stage. You’ll notice a number in the layers icon to quickly let you know you will be drawing on that selected layer.


Layer's features:

  1. Adding Layers
  2. Selecting and Rearranging layers
  3. Renaming a layer
  4. Lock, Duplicate, and Deleting layers
  5. Hiding or Unhiding layers
  6. Opacity of layers
  7. Merging layers
  8. Blend Mode Layers
  9. Pixel Effect Layers
  10. Glow Effect Layers
  11. Clipping Mask
  12. Alpha Lock
  13. Video layer

What are layers, and how do they work in FlipaClip?

Layers are the different levels of your drawings, animations, and objects. The use of layers is great for separating parts of your animation. They help move different parts of your animation without moving everything. They are great for organizing the pieces that make up your animation. Each layer contains its own pieces that can be worked on separately.

Layers are used in every frame. Even if you have no content drawn on a frame for that layer, the layer is still there. Currently, there is no way to delete a layer off of a single frame. When you delete a layer, it will delete it off of every frame in your project. Please note you can not undo a deleted layer.

1- Adding Layers

Step 1 - From the stage, press the layer icon to open up the panel.
Step 2 - Press the “+” button at the bottom of the panel to add a new layer


Helpful Tips

  • Each new layer created is placed above whichever layer you have selected
  • FlipaClip projects have a maximum number of layers that can be used. If you reach the maximum, merge layers to make room for more.
  • You can add up to 3 layers for free and can add up to 10 by watching an ad to unlock each additional one. Premium users automatically have up to 10 layers that they can use for all of their projects.
  • Depending on your device, the more layers you add may cause you to notice performance issues.

2- Selecting and Rearranging layers

These are useful for choosing which layer to work on and the way it’s visible in the project.


Selecting a layer

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Tap on the layer you want to draw on.

Helpful Tips

  • You will know the layer is selected when a red bar is on the left of it
  • To switch between layers, tap on the layer in the panel and check to make sure it is selected.

Rearranging Layers

The order you have your layers organized in the panel is important for the layout of your animation. Layers at the top of others mean they will appear on the project on top of the contents of the layers below it.

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Find the layer you want to move.
Step 3 - Tap and hold down that layer.
Step 4 - Drag the layer up or down to its new location.

Common Questions:

  • Can I select multiple layers? At the moment, you can not select multiple layers, but it is something we will add in the future.
  • Can I share a layer? As of right now, you can not share a layer but you can share a frame from the “Frames Viewer” panel.

3- Renaming a Layer

Layers added to your project are automatically given sequential names such as Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3, and so on. Renaming these are useful for the organization of your different layers. Renaming the layers will make it easier to know which one holds each piece of the animation.

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Press the text on the layer you want to rename.
Step 3 - A pop-up screen will allow you to give your layer a custom name.


4- Lock, Duplicate, and Deleting layers

Swipe right-to-left on any layer to reveal buttons for these three options.


Locking or Unlocking a layer

This will prevent you from accidentally editing this layer if you have it selected.

To lock a layer:

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Swipe right-to-left on the layer.
Step 3 - Press the lock symbol. When you do so, your layer will then show this lock icon on the left of it.

To unlock a layer:

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Swipe right-to-left on the layer.
Step 3 - Press the lock icon on the right side of the layer to unlock it.

Common Questions:

Why can’t I draw on the stage? If you have all your layers locked in the panel, then you will not be able to draw on any of them. Make sure the layer you are trying to draw on is unlocked.

Duplicating a layer

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Swipe right-to-left on the layer.
Step 3 - Press the duplicate icon beside the delete icon.

Deleting a layer

This option removes the layer from your project, permanently removing any content of every frame. This action can not be undone.

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Swipe right-to-left on the layer.
Step 3 - Press the trashcan icon.
Step 4 - Press “remove” on the confirmation pop-up.

5- Hiding or Unhiding layers

Hiding layers is a good way to work on just one layer without confusion. This way, you won’t get confused with which piece of content belongs to each layer. It is also helpful in working on the lower layers of the animation.


To hide a layer:

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Press on the text which displays “100%” to hide the layer.

To unhide a layer:

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Press on the crossed-out “eye” icon to the right of the layer to unhide it.

6- Opacity of Layers

Opacity determines if the layer is visibly more solid or transparent.

Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Select the layer you want to adjust the opacity to.
Step 3 - On the right of the layer, tap the percentage number.
Step 4 - While holding down, slide up and down to change the opacity of the layer.


It is important to note that the higher the percentage, the more solid the layer is. The lower the percentage, the more transparent the layer is.

7- Merging layers

Merging is excellent for cleaning up layers that you're no longer planning on working with by making them just one.


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2 - Tap and hold down the layer you want to merge.
Step 3 - While holding, drag the layer onto the other you want to merge it with.
Step 4 - A pop-up screen will appear asking if you want to merge. Click “merge”.

Helpful Tips:

  • Merging layers is a feature only available for premium users.
  • Merging occurs across all frames.
  • After you merge, you are unable to undo this action.

8- Blend Mode

Change the way a layer looks by selecting any blending modes. Watch this quick tutorial on how to use Blend Mode in FlipaClip app.


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2
- Press the right arrow on the layer to access layer settings.
Step 3
- Press "Normal" text to add a blending mode option.
Step 4
- Choose the blend mode you want.

9 - Pixel Effect

Turn your animation into pixel looking effect. Watch this quick tutorial on how to add Pixel Effect in FlipaClip app.


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2
- Press the right arrow on the layer to access layer settings.
Step 3
- Under Pixel Effect use the slider to make the layer pixelated.

10 - Glow Effect

This super simple effect can help you add glow to your layer or even add outlines to your drawings by simply changing the glow settings. Watch this quick tutorial on how to add Glow Effect in FlipaClip app.


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2
- Press the right arrow on the layer to access layer settings.
Step 3
- Turn on Glow by pressing the toggle button.
Step 4
- Change any of the glow settings to get the glow you want.

11 - Clipping Mask

Clipping Mask is your secret weapon for making animations stand out. It's like using a stencil to shape your artwork. You can overlay one layer onto another so your animations get that epic, precise look.


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2
- Press the right arrow on the layer to access layer settings.
Step 3
- Turn on "Clipping Mask" by pressing the toggle button.

12 - Alpha Lock

When Alpha Lock is enabled, any edits or modifications you make to that layer will only affect the opaque or visible parts of the artwork, leaving the transparent portions untouched. This feature is handy for preserving details or elements in your artwork that you want to remain unchanged while making adjustments to other parts of the image.

Alpha Lock is used within a single layer to protect transparency. At the same time, a Clipping Mask involves using one layer to control the visibility of another layer or layers, allowing for more complex layer interactions and effects. 


Step 1 - Press the layer icon on the stage to open the panel.
Step 2
- Press the right arrow on the layer to access layer settings.
Step 3
- Turn on "Alpha Lock" by pressing the toggle button.

13 - Video Layer

Please remember that when adding a video to your project, FlipaClip makes a new layer for this. When you "Add Video," the layer panel creates a new layer named “video.” If you do not have enough layers available left, the video will not import.

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