Premium Features Missing

Don't see your premium features?

Below are a few tested solutions. These fixes largely depend on what device you purchased the Premium Features on.

Apple App Store

In-app purchases must be manually restored. To do so, you need to tap on the Restore Purchases button. Go to the FlipaClip Menu and tap "Accounts" and then "Premium Features" at the bottom of the menu. The Restore Purchases button is at the bottom of that page.

Amazon App Store

Make sure to select the correct account that made the purchase.

Google Play

In-app purchases should be restored after installing FlipaClip. Remember that it must be the same Google Play account you bought the app with. You can double-check this by going to your Playstore’s menu. From there, tap on Account and go to Purchase History. If you've double-checked and the purchases still fail to load you can try the following:

Step 1: Update Google Play to the latest version.

Step 2: Open the Google Play Store app and tap on your profile icon in the top right corner. If you see multiple accounts listed, tap on "Manage accounts on this device" from the dropdown menu and sign out of all other accounts except the one that made the purchase.

  • It's important not to confuse the FlipaClip account with the Google Play account, as purchases of FlipaClip are not connected to your FlipaClip account, but rather to the Google Play account that was used to make the purchase.
  • It's important to ensure that you are signed in with the Google Play account that was used to purchase premium features.
  • You can check your purchase history with these steps if you are unsure which Google account you have used 

Step 3: Delete Google Play's cache and restart the device.

  • This step is important to ensure that the Google Play Store app is updated with the correct information about your FlipaClip purchase. Clearing the cache and data of the app will remove any temporary files and settings that may be causing issues.
  • Clearing the cache will not wipe any of your data from your device

After completing these steps, open the FlipaClip app and check if your premium features have been restored. If not, try restarting your device and opening the app again. If you continue to have issues, contact us for further assistance.

Important Note:

Unlike FlipaClip Plus, premium purchases cannot be used across platforms. This means that if you bought FlipaClip premium on the Google Play Store, you won’t be able to use premium features if you purchase an iPhone and install FlipaClip on that device.

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